Current Issue

Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 5/30/24

Year: 2024

Journal of Health Sciences and Management (JOHESAM) aims to publish Turkish and English written scientific articles in the form of questionnaire studies, clinical trials, observational and experimental studies, case reports, meta-analysis, systematic reviews and reviews, to contribute to the health sciences field.

Turkish and English articles prepared as a result of scientific research in the fields of life sciences, health and health management; including survey studies, clinical trials, observational and experimental studies, case reports, meta-analysis, systematic reviews and reviews are in the scope of the Journal of Health Sciences and Management (JOHESAM).

Manuscript preparation:
The manuscripts should be prepared in A4 size, with Arial 10 font, with two line spacing, and with continuous line numbers on the following pages. The total number of pages should not exceed 15 in research, meta-analysis, systematic review and review articles, including pictures and figures, and 6 in case reports.
The title page should contain the Turkish and English titles of the article, full names and e-mail adresses of the authors and the names of their institution.
On the second page, only Turkish and English abstracts and keywords should be given. Abstracts should be structured as Aim, Methods, Results, and Conclution, and should not exceed 250 words. For English manuscriipts, an extended-structured abstract of not more than 750 words should be provided in Turkish. Keywords should not exceed 5 words/word groups in Turkish under the Turkish summary and in English under the English summary.

Articles containing survey studies should include Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion, References, Tables and Figures.

The full text section of research articles should include Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion, References, Tables, Figures(with explanations).

Case reports should be in the form of Introduction, Case (s), Discussion and Conclusion, References, Table, Figures (with explanations).

Meta-analysis articles consist of Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclution, Results, References sections and Tables/Figures

Systematic review studies; Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion, References and Tables/Figures

Review articles are requested from invited authors determined by the journal. Review articles consist of Abstract (the abstract does not need to be structured in a specific format as in the research article), Keywords, Introduction and Conclusion sections. Authors who submit review articles should also include a section describing the methods they use for the selection and analysis of the data they use in the article. These methods should also be specified in the Summary section.

Tables, figures and pictures should be on a separate page and their place in the text should be written in parentheses at the end of the sentence. Table titles and footnotes of figures should be given in the relevant tables and figures, with single spacing. Symbols and abbreviations should be defined in the footnotes of Tables and Figures.

Photos must be sent in high resolution jpg format.

When abbreviations are used for the first time, they should be written clearly and then the same abbreviation should always be used in the article.

References should be used in APA style (Author surname, publication year.) (Http:// Punctuation and spelling examples to be followed while writing the resource list should be checked at Journal abbreviations should be made as shown by Index Medicus. Sources with six or fewer authors should include all names, and references with seven or more authors should include the first six authors and in Turkish articles "ve ark." , "et al" should be added in English articles.

The acknowledgment part takes place before the References and expressions of thanks for reasons such as personal, method and material assistance are included in this part.
Editing the format of the articles according to the rules of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors -Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals (updated in December 2017 - recommended.

The Editorial Board is authorized to make the necessary technical changes without touching the scientific content, in case there are places that do not comply with these rules in the submitted manuscript.

A document that is signed by the authors, declaring conflict of interest, not in the procedure of publishing the article in another journal, authorship rights / responsibilities and publication approvals in our journal must be attached.
In case the manuscript is accepted for publication, the Copyright Transfer Form signed by all authors must be sent to the postal address of the journal as pdf and the original with wet signature to the journal address.

If there is any financial support, even partial, it should be stated by which institution, organization or companies.

Authors' ethical responsibilities;
In accordance with the TR Index Journal Evaluation criteria, the following criteria regarding ethics committee permissions will be sought and applied in the articles sent to the Journal of Health Sciences and Management journal, which are mandatory for publications starting from 2020.
1- Research requiring Ethics Committee permission;
- All research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches, collecting data from participants using interview techniques such as experimental studies, questionnaires, observations, interviews, focus group work,
- Studies in which materials and data of humans and animals are used for experimental or other scientific purposes,
- Clinical studies on humans,
Experimental or clinical research on animals,
- Retrospective (in accordance with the law on protection of personal data) studies
2- In addition;
- Obtaining and indicating permission from the owners for the use of scales, questionnaires and photographs belonging to others,
- Stating that the copyright regulations are complied with for the intellectual and artistic works used,
- In case presentations, it should be stated that the "Informed Consent Form" was obtained (Ethics committee permission is not required for case reports).
3- The authorization of the retrospective ethics committee is not required for articles produced from master's / doctoral studies before 2020 and using research data before 2020 (should be specified in the article).
4- In the submitted articles, in the light of the above information, if the permission of the ethics committee and / or legal / special permission is required, it should be clearly stated from which institution, on what date and with which decision or issue number the permission was obtained.
5- If the study requires the use of human and animal subjects, it must be declared that the study was carried out in accordance with international declaration, guideline, etc.
6- Researchers who are not members of the university can apply to the Ethics Committees in their regions.

The ethical responsibilities of referees;
Accepting the evaluation process of articles that do not have a conflict or conflict of interest, and not participate in the evaluation process of the article by declaring if there is a conflict of interest or conflict.
To consider only the content of the study in the process of evaluating the article.
To comply with the time period during the examination process, to complete it on time (Extension of time may be requested if necessary).
To protect the confidentiality of all information obtained about article and article authors.
Stating their comments in revision requests in a constructive language that helps to improve the quality of the article.

Ethical responsibilities of editors and associate editors;
Editors take care to meet the information needs of referees, authors and readers, to answer their questions when necessary, to act according to the principles of clarity in matters that require correction and explanation during the publication process.
When deciding on the publication of articles, editors take care that the articles are original, scientific, and contribute to readers, researchers and practitioners.
When making positive or negative decisions about articles, editors take into account the original value of the articles, their contribution to the field, the validity and reliability of the research method, the clarity of the statement and the scope of the journal.
• Editors take the submitted articles to the pre-evaluation stage unless they have a significant scientific problem.
• Editors follow the policies of blind review and evaluation process, which are among the publishing policies of the journal, keep the identities of the referees confidential, and endeavor to evaluate each article objectively and within the time limit.
• Editors send the articles by taking into account the expertise of the referees, and they take care to make the evaluations impartial and independent.
• Editors take into account whether there is a conflict of interest between the editors, referees and author (s) for unbiased evaluation of the article.
• Editors seek to ensure that the referee pool consists of a wide range and is constantly updated.
• Editors avoid unscientific evaluations that do not follow academic etiquette.
• Editors ensure that the journal publishing processes are operated in accordance with the publication policies and guidelines, inform their field of duty in the process about the developments in publication policies, and prepare training programs when necessary.
• Editors communicate with everyone involved in the publishing process and organize regular meetings.
• Editors ensure the protection of personal data in reviewed articles; protect individual data of authors, referees and readers.
• Editors; They pay attention to the protection of human and animal rights in the articles, they care about documenting the express consent of the participants of the article, the approval of the ethics committee of the participants of the article, and they reject the article when they do not have permission for experimental research.
• Editors; They take precautions against misconduct. When there are complaints about misconduct, they make an objective investigation and share their findings.
• Editors ensure that errors, inconsistencies or misdirections in the articles are corrected.
• Editors protect the intellectual property rights of published articles and defend the rights of the journal and the author (s) in case of violation. In addition, they take the necessary measures to ensure that the content of the published articles does not infringe the intellectual property rights of other publications; They do the authenticity-similarity check.
• Editors take into account the consistent criticism of the articles published in the Journal, and give the right to reply to the author (s) of the criticized articles.
• Editors also consider studies with negative results.
• Editors examine the complaints submitted to the Journal and make the necessary explanations.